Wednesday, August 31, 2011

TB? Or Not TB? That my friends is a semi serious question..

Beep. Beep. Beeeeeep. BEEEP BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP!!!!!

That was my alarm clock this morning at about 7:10 a.m. Where was I headed? To get my TB shot read. For those of you who don't know that is tuberculosis. I had to get one for my epic job in childcare. As I got ready in a stumble, yet graceful manner, I realized I couldn't wait to get in my car to listen to the radio. I don't care if I look like an idiot; basically screaming "Gunpowder and Lead" By Miranda Lambert at the top of my lungs. For me that is my moment of happiness and fun! Anyway to the important ish part...

The medical center said it was supposed to open at 8 but as I drove passed it was not open so I went to the healthy McD's to get my favorite chocolate milk and one solitary hashbrown. I filled my belly with the grease and chocolatey goodness and was still sitting in my car, like a stalker, waiting for the lady to turn on the open sign. Which she never did so at about 8:15 I waltzed through those doors demanded a refund on my TB test and to have it read....wait no I didn't that was my daydream my bad. :)

I then proceeded to get my arm read by a lady named Courtney, who told me I was TB free. I breathed a sigh of relief (sarcasm. I knew I didn't have it) and went on my way. Now my biggest decision of the day will be what else I eat or whether to take a shower or a bath. Gotta love having a day off from everything to do homework; but never getting the motivation too.

Peace:Love&Chocolate Milk

Tara Lee

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