Wednesday, December 7, 2011


With the weather that has occurred today, I will not lie I hate snow. I use to love it. Ever since that night though, you can't say you blame me.

It was last January or so, I don't really pay attention to time; because of the fact that it is always passing and always around. The roads had been cleared off. There was nothing supposed to becoming that night in regards to the weather. It was supposed to be clear.

I went to my friend's house to hang out. All the way in Brighton, MO; which is near Bolivar. It was only a 30 minute drive for me from my house in Walnut Grove. I called my mom to tell her I would be staying later than I had planned and she informed me to get my butt home because it was starting to sleet.

I started up my 92' Dodge Intrepid and made my way back home. The snow and sleet mixture pouring down on my window covering the roads in what looked like salt dumped from a salt truck. I drove slow but came up on a 45 mile an hour curb, I guess I was going about 5 miles too fast. I began to fish tail. Thoughts raced through my mind, even though I didn't think they would in that situation, my mind was clear though in that 15 secs it took; "Don't over correct yourself Tara. Turn that way not this way. Pump your brakes." I was not able to correct my car however.

That's when my car went down an embankment. I corrected it to run into a tree because if I had not I would have kept going down and flipped. As I emerged from the wreck the adrenaline was pumping and then the tears came flooding. I called my mom and told her where I was and her and my step dad were soon on their way, it felt like it took them forever. I called my boyfriend because he was texting me asking where I was and if I was safe. The snow trickled down and my breath of relief showed up in the cold. I was safe, I just couldn't go anywhere.

I sat and looked down the hill that I could have gone even further down. I looked at the tree that had possibly saved my life. I was able to walk away from my wreck with no cuts, the only thing I received was a seat belt burn. I'm lucky and I'm happy I have someone watching over me, cause if I didn't I would have been in a bigger mess or worse. My car was totaled but I was told that that was okay, we would figure that out later. The main thing they were happy about was they still had their Tara Lee, and I had to admit that I was too.

That was my lesson I learned from the weather. You drive slow in the bad, or don't go anywhere when it's worse than bad. Also you need to listen to your parents sometimes.

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